Chemical Reactions: Properties
An in-depth look at the key physical and chemical properties that are critical for monitoring and controlling chemical reactions in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing. It explores common physical properties density, viscosity, and pressure and their impact on reaction processes. The module also highlights the importance of pH and atmosphere control, explaining how deviations and temperature fluctuations can create unsafe conditions, including the risk of run-away reactions. Learners will focus on proper monitoring, reporting deviations, and maintaining reaction parameters within specified limits to support product quality and safety.
Whether for onboarding or annual refresher training, this Module is seamlessly deployable on any LMS and can be tailored to your company’s exact needs.
 Duration: 30 Mins
Grade: Core Library
- Understand Physical Properties in Chemical Reactions: Learn about key physical properties density, viscosity, and pressure and how they affect chemical reaction processes and equipment operation in API manufacturing.
- Recognize the Role of pH: Understand the importance of pH in chemical reactions and how it influences product quality, yield, and impurity levels.
- Monitor and Control Chemical Reactions: Gain practical knowledge on how to monitor and record physical and chemical properties accurately to support compliance with Batch Production Records (BPR) and help prevent deviations.
- Identify and Manage Deviations: Learn how to recognize and respond to deviations in chemical reaction processes, focusing on strategies to prevent unsafe conditions such as run-away reactions, explosions, or pressure build-ups.
- Understand Atmosphere Control in Reactions: Discover why controlling the reaction atmosphere is important, including the use of inert gases like nitrogen to prevent unwanted reactions and maintain safety.
Learning Objectives
- Name the three most common physical properties of chemical reactions.
- Explain the importance of each physical property in chemical reactions.
- Explain what is meant by pH.
- Describe the effect of pH on a chemical reaction.
- Explain the importance of using the correct atmosphere in a chemical reaction.
- Explain what is meant by a deviation in a chemical reaction.
- Describe how to deal with deviations.
- Explain what is meant by a “run-away reaction”.
- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
- Atmosphere
- Burst Disk
- Chemical Properties
- Chemical Reactions
- Deviation
- Density
- Explosion
- Inert Gas
- Nitrogen Blanket
- pH
- Pressure
- Quality Control
- Run-Away Reaction
- Safety Hazards
- Temperature
- Viscosity
- Water Vapor
Module Features
  Voice Over
  Knowledge Checks
  SCORM/AICC compatible
  Full Screen