HVAC and Cleanrooms
Use of HVAC systems and HEPA filters in cleanroom environments. It covers the regulation of airflow, pressure, temperature, and humidity, and the role of HEPA filters in maintaining air quality.
Whether for onboarding or annual refresher training, this Module is seamlessly deployable on any LMS and can be tailored to your company’s exact needs.
Duration: 30 Mins
Grade: Core Library
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of HVAC systems and their critical functions in cleanroom environments.
- Acquire detailed knowledge about HEPA filters, including their structure, function, and the importance of regular testing.
- Learn about the different types of airflow in a cleanroom and how temperature, pressure, and humidity affect cleanroom conditions.
Learning Objectives
- Describe what is meant by a HVAC system.
- List the main features of a HVAC system.
- Describe what is meant by a HEPA filter.
- Explain how a HEPA filter works.
- Describe how HEPA filters are tested.
- Discuss the different types of airflow in a cleanroom.
- State how temperature, pressure and humidity affect cleanrooms.
- Airflow
- Humidity
- HVAC System
- Cleanroom
- DOP Test
- HEPA Filter
- Horizontal Laminar Airflow
- Microbiological Contamination
- Photometer
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Turbulent Airflow
- Unidirectional Airflow
- Vertical Laminar Airflow
Module Features
Voice Over
Knowledge Checks
SCORM/AICC compatible
Full Screen